Wednesday, February 25, 2015

of Instructional Design and Technology

In this list posted by Karla Gutierrez in Shift, she reviews productivity and advises, "stop doing what is not serving you any purpose."

Things to remember:
One Task at a Time
Stay Focus
Keep track of time
Do excellent work
Do not waist time perfecting

This is a list worth reviewing to become more productive

from a post by Karla Gutierrez 

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

An Image is Worth a Thousand Words

The right image has to tell the story, satisfy the eye and intrigue the mind.

Browse Unsplash to find something suitable for your project. Unsplash has high resolution pictures licensed under Creative Common Zero. Do not forget to give credit even if they do not ask you to, it is just a matter of respect.

bridge over the ocean
Michael Hirsh from Unsplash